See Beyond
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku
Level One Buddha Baku Gift
Using this Gift, a Buddha can part the veil of time and space and peer into cycles that existed before this one. The mysteries they witnessed this way were known only to them, and can only be guessed at now. The more enlightened a Baku became, the easier it was to use this Gift; the roll is Per + Enigmas, with the difficulty equal to 10 minus her rank in the Way of Knowledge. The Baku must also spend 2 Gnosis unless he is an elder (Rank 3), in which case the Gift costs one Gnosis. Possible info gained from looking into other worlds: the solution to a puzzle, possible consequences of a course of action, insight into other members of the World of Darkness, revealing hidden influences in this cycle by witnessing its more obvious applications in another.