Calling the Spirit Herd
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku
Bodhivista Baku Gift
By spending a point of Gnosis and rolling Cha + Animal Ken, the elder were-elephant can summon forth several a number of spirit elephants equal the Gnosis in his pool. These spirits don't have to spend power to manifest; this potent Gift provides the power. In times of war, the elephants will stay until defeated, dispelled or the combat is over. If summoned for a non-combative purpose, they will stay for one scene. They will obey the summoner to the best of their ability. Each spirit elephant that is defeated siphons a point of Gnosis from the Baku. Each elephant will have the following stats: Str 8, Dex 1, Sta 8, Per 2, Int 2, Wit 2, Brawl 3, +2 soak, attacks as Hatii form, Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Dispelled.